title: Jean-Philippe Lebœuf link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/ description: My thoughts, my worlds. (wip 2.0rc1) generator: Movable Type/2.661 errorsto: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name last-modified: 2005-08-19T18:15:07+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2003, Nef license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ title: Finalement l'avenir risque d'être sympa link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000326.html description: « 2016 - 2020 : les formes de vie électronique obtiendront des droits les protégeant. » « 2031-2035 : les ordinateurs seront devenus plus intelligents que les humains. » « 2051+ : vos pensées, sentiments, mémoires seront transferables à un ordinateur. » En regardant la frise originale complète,... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-08-19T18:15:07+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000326.html subject: science title: À quand une rue Montgallet du portable ? link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000325.html description: Au cours de mes mésaventures avec mon ordinateur portable COMPAQ (affaire non encore résolue puisque je n'ai trouvé ni le temps ni l'argent pour aller faire faire un devis de réparation) je m'étais aperçu que mon problème ne semblait pas... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-08-19T17:01:53+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000325.html subject: hardware title: Digital physics and life beyond death link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000331.html description: p. Today I found an interesting but quite old article written by "Kevin Kelly":http://www.kk.org/index.php for the "Wired Magazine":http://www.wired.com/wired/: God Is the Machine. This article deals with recent progresses around "Konrad Zuse":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_Zuse 's "thesis":http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/digitalphysics.html: the universe is a computer. This domain... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-07-30T00:05:10+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000331.html subject: Imported title: Traduire « une sémantique » link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000330.html description: This post is exceptionally in french and deals with the problem of translating from the french expression ""une sémantique"" to an hypothetic equivalent english expression. creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-07-29T17:11:30+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000330.html subject: Imported title: Work and Life Balance: work in progress link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000324.html description: On Feld Thoughts in Discovering Work Life Balance: As I discovered what balance meant to me, the rules evolved into a set of habits which – among others – include (1) Spend Time Away, (2) Life Dinner, (3) Segment Space,... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-07-29T16:05:31+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000324.html subject: my life title: Sale temps pour l'innovation link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000323.html description: Alan Kay vient de se faire virer de chez Hewlett Packard puisque l'équipe “Advanced Software Research” à laquelle il appartenait a été démantelée (cf. SiliconValley.com's Good Morning Silicon Valley). Le docteur Kay (US Wikipedia, Wikipédia FR) était quand même l'un... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-07-22T11:14:02+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000323.html subject: computer science title: Creativity while being overwhelmed by wolves link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000322.html description: On gapingvoid:how to be creative: People walking past the bar on the way to the bathroom would see this jittery, unkempt guy in a tweed jacket on a barstool, doodling furiously and wonder what was up. Sometimes they’d look at... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-07-19T16:47:54+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000322.html subject: my life title: PanIQ! link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000321.html description: In a comment on Pyrasun 2.0 - The Spille Blog: Action Hippo Rangers!: Ha! As the population of the world increases, the sum of its IQ remains a constant. Great article on what seems now to be called ping-pong development,... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-07-19T12:33:04+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000321.html subject: smiles title: Show me the money! link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000320.html description: In an article dealing with knowledge workers, Managing for Creativity by Richard Florida and Jim Goodnight (CEO of SAS Institute), on the Harvard Business Review, can be read: Stimulate their minds. SAS operates on the belief that invigorating mental work... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-07-18T10:39:28+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000320.html subject: economy & business title: Le véritable enseignant link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000319.html description: Je souligne : […] Ce véritable apprendre est ainsi un prendre suprêmement remarquable, un prendre dans lequel celui qui prend ne prend que ce qu'au fond il a déjà. A cet apprendre correspond aussi l'enseigner. Enseigner, c'est donner, offrir. Mais... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-05-25T18:52:39+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000319.html subject: from books title: Web proxy systems, mainly in Java link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000318.html description: After my previous entry entitled Structured graphics, diagramming, graphs and networks in Java one month ago, here come this new entry about web proxies, starting my researches from the article Open Source Personal Proxy Servers Written In Java of Manageability.... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-05-25T16:47:37+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000318.html subject: computer science title: Genette à propos de la vraie thèse originale link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000317.html description: Je souligne (en gras): […] Troisième et (j'espère) dernier type d'investissement du résumé métalittéraire, le plus fortement investi, justement, et pris dans un discours dont il ne constitue qu'une utilité préliminaire ou plus habilement dissimulée : le discours « critique » en... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-05-03T20:53:32+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000317.html subject: from books title: Two free audio tools for Windows link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000316.html description: Two free Windows tools to perform useful processings on sound files: sr-convert: “a sample-rate conversion utility for WAV files” (I use this one, excellent!); SoundStretch from the SoundTouch Audio Processing Library (this one found while reading a blog about free... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-05-03T19:57:56+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000316.html subject: digital audio title: Structured graphics, diagramming, graphs and networks in Java link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000315.html description: After my previous entries MindManager-like in Java and Knowledge Visualization Applets in Java, here come my notes about and around: Open Source Structured Graphics Libraries Written in Java ; Open Source Graph or Network Visualization Written in Java. The Network... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-04-11T17:57:40+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000315.html subject: information visualization title: Le parlé SMS comme apocalypse linguistique : Saussure nous rassure link: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000314.html description: À la suite de Le parlé SMS comme apocalypse linguistique : En affirmant conjointement l'arbitraire de la langue et sa fonction de communication, les saussuriens restent d'ailleurs fidèles, en un certain sens, à l'attitude comparatiste. On se rappelle, en effet,... creator: jpl@jean-philippe.leboeuf.name created: 2005-03-23T21:37:55+01:00 language: en-us rights: Copyright 2005, The Plat license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ uri: http://jean-philippe.leboeuf.name/notebook/archives/000314.html subject: from books