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"C++" entries.

July 07, 2004

__question _récurrente

Comme Cédric était venu me voir il y a un bout de temps pour résoudre un problème dont l'origine n'était que l'utilisation d'une mauvaise convention d'appel de fonction, je tiens bon de signaler cette entrée : Diagnosing a problem with calling conventions (sur The Old New Thing) ; voici ce qu'on peut recevoir dans sa face quand on fait l'erreur : "Undefined symbol: '__stdcall(0) pl_pvcam_init (_pl_pvcam_init@0)' referenced from '_main' in Acquisition.c:15".
Comme ça, quand quelqu'un me demandera, il sera redirigé par mon moi mécanique sur cette page.

Posted by Jean-Philippe on July 07, 2004 44 Comments, 237 TrackBacks

June 04, 2003

Misc about C++

Two articles about C++:

The article Understanding C++ Program Structure is in fact a chapter from the book Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented Design, by Paul Anderson (Contributor), Gail Anderson – Paperback: 799 pages; Publisher: Pearson Education POD; Book and CD-ROM edition (October 1997, 22); ISBN: 0135327482.
Following a link on this book's excerpt, I found another good chapter from another book: C++ Templates: Metaprograms. This chapter comes from C++ Templates: The Complete Guide, by David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis – Hardcover: 552 pages; Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional; 1st edition (November 12, 2002); ISBN: 0201734842. Indeed C++ templates do not only offer you to use generics, but to code metaprograms too, my favourite functionality in the C++ programming language:

Metaprogramming consists of “programming a program.” In other words, we lay out code that the programming system executes to generate new code that implements the functionality we really want. Usually the term metaprogramming implies a reflexive attribute: The metaprogramming component is part of the program for which it generates a bit of code/program.

Posted by Jean-Philippe on June 04, 2003 10 Comments, 1058 TrackBacks

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